Historic Districts
The South Wedge is full of history and architecture.
Yes, it has Frederick Douglass’ childhood home, but it is also home to several amazing historic districts: the South Wedge Historic District, the Linden-South Historic District, and the South Avenue-Gregory Street Historic District. A small portion of the Mount Hope Historic District overlaps our service area, too! The neighborhood is full of character - what’s your favorite building?
National Register of Historic Places (and Tax Credits!)
The South Wedge, Linden-South, and Mount Hope historic districts are listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The National Register is an inventory of cultural and historic resources that have regional, or national significance, and the program is overseen by the National Park Service. Having a property listed in the National Register comes with a nice perk: if you want to rehabilitate your building, you may be eligible for federal and/or state historic preservation tax credits! The New York State Historic Preservation Office administers the tax credit program. Head over to their website for more information.
Important note: alterations to properties listed in the National Register are not reviewed by the Rochester Preservation Board (unless it is also a local landmark or in a local preservation district… see below!).
South Wedge Historic District
The historic district covers nearly all of our service area. Learn more about what makes our neighborhood so special!
Linden-South Historic District
This historic district along Linden Street makes up the southern edge of our Service Area. Grand houses and mature trees make this street a beauty.
Mt. Hope-Highland Historic District
Highland Park, Mount Hope Cemetery, and the grand houses along Mount Hope Avenue comprise this Victorian-era historic district. Learn more about what makes these landscapes so special.
Rochester Preservation Districts
The South Avenue/Gregory Street Historic District and the Mount Hope/Highland Park District are Rochester Preservation Districts, a program that is overseen by the Rochester Preservation Board. Alterations to building exteriors within these districts need to be reviewed by the Rochester Preservation Board. You can find more information about this process on the city website: https://www.cityofrochester.gov/presboard/.
South Avenue / Gregory Street
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
Mount Hope / Highland Park
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.