The Master Gardener Workshop Series is a series of four workshops given once a month on the first Thursday in the Abundance Community Room. This series is offered through the Cornell Cooperative Monroe County Extension program and sponsored by SWPC.
Please use the Eventbrite links to sign up. Our programming is free, but your donations and sponsorships allow us offer more events. We thank you for your support!
Workshop 1 : Native Plants Workshop with John Nelson
Thursday, March 6th at 5:30pm at Abundance Community Room
Workshop2: Combat Climate Change with Suzanne Feather
Thursday, April 3rd at 5:30pm at Abundance Community Room
Workshop 3: House Plant Care with Suzanne Feather
Thursday, May 1st at 5:30pm at Abundance Community Room
Workshop 4: Invasive Plants with John Nelson
Thursday, June 5th at 5:30pm at Abundance Community Room